Electrical installations

Our company has the know-how and the appropriate experience to be able to provide solutions, researches and constructions fully compatible with the modern requirements and needs of electrical installations and to offer the design and implementation of electrical projects governed by safety, quality and modern perception. During research and subsequent construction of electrical installations we take into account not only the current needs and requirements but also the possibility that a modern electrical installation must have in future extensions so that they can be done in the future, at the lowest possible cost.

Electrical installations in shop

Interior lighting in a store

Electrical installations in restaurant

Interior lighting in a restaurant

Rack in electrical installation

Rack in electrical installation

led, lighting

Led lighting on a kitchen counter

led, lighting

Led lighting on the ceiling

voltage, construction site, isobox

Voltage supply to isobox construction site

led film

Led film on label

exterior lights, exterior lighting

Exterior lights in a store

lighting outfits

Lighting fixtures in a store

led film on glass

Led film on glass bench

hidden lighting

Hidden lighting

led lighting

Led lighting in a hairdresser

internal lighting, mirror

Lighting outfits & led lighting in mirror

nail salon

Lighting in a nail salon

Electrical installations are an important asset in construction. An experienced installer with the right materials and tools are the combination for a modern and safe result. Whether it is a home or a business, attention is required in the study and then in the implementation of the project, so that the people who will trust us will talk about it for many years in the best words.